Thursday, August 20, 2020

Fierce by Tracy Lorraine


Title: Fierce
Series: Rosewood High #4
Author: Tracy Lorraine
Genre: YA/NA High School Bully Romance
Release Date: August 20, 2020


Everyone thinks they know me… but they’re wrong.

Fearless on the outside— a lie.

I’m a fraud, hiding behind a mask of perfection. My reality very different.

The captain. The leader. The Queen Bee.

None of it real— all just an illusion.

Perception is everything and I use it to get what I want, when I want, refusing to let anyone stand in my way.

Until he shows me that he’s not the man I expected. He’s not just the quiet one... the innocent one.

But the one to finally tear away the mask and look beneath the surface. The only one who sees me, gets me, challenges me.

He’s already changed my life in a way I never expected.

My secret could make us or break us, but I know one thing for sure... I’ll protect it fiercely.

That’s the real me. Chelsea Fierce.

The girl behind the mask with everything to lose.

Fierce is the fourth book in the Rosewood High series by Tracy Lorraine. Told in dual perspectives, this story follows the lives of Chelsea and Shane. Get ready for lots of angst, drama and infinite feels!

Chelsea had it all - the beauty, the popularity, the cheer squad. But after some poor choices, this Queen B lost everything and found herself in a rehabilitation center. After weeks of therapy, she is ready to go home, make amends and reclaim her throne. But unfortunately for her, she was not welcomed back with open arms. Her road to redemption was a long one with plenty of bumps and bruises along the way.

Shane is the quiet one on the football team. Much to his father's disappointment, he is not like his brothers. He prefers to stay in the shadows rather than the limelight. They have big dreams of joining the NFL, but that's not something Shane wants. What he wants is the head cheerleader who fell from grace before being sent away. Even after everything she put him through, he still wants her, and she feels the same way, but he's not going to make things easy for her.

I absolutely loved each and every second of this book! Tracy continues to impress me with each story that she writes. She takes characters and just breathes life into them, making them all so unique. She brings her A game in Fierce. It's my new favorite of the series. The hate to love. The emotional turmoil. The steam factor. It's just perfection. Two thumbs up. Highly recommended. Definitely a one-click come release day. Five stars for Chelsea, Shane and Fierce!


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Author Bio

Tracy Lorraine is a M/F and M/M contemporary romance author. Tracy recently-ish turned thirty and lives in a cute Cotswold village in England with her husband, daughter and lovable but slightly crazy dog. Having always been a bookaholic with her head stuck in her Kindle Tracy decided to try her hand at a story idea she dreamt up and hasn’t looked back since.

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