Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Infiltrate by Cali Mann

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An impossible choice:
destroy the academy and lose the mates who will keep me sane
or my brother dies.
Between my mother's addiction to dangerous men and my own habit of attracting all the wrong attention,
I've learned the hard way: use or be used.
The only light in my life is my brother.
And when my mother's murderous boyfriend threatens him,
I will do anything to save him –
even infiltrate and sabotage the only place willing to give me – and my brother – a chance.

I love this book. Full of twists and turns, it keeps you reading. At first I wasn’t too keen on Sasha, but I quickly warmed up to her. She doesn’t have an easy time of it in either the human world or the shifter one. She has had to be self reliant and tough as nails.
I cannot wait to see more interaction between her and the other students. We don’t know how she is going to mate, f she does and there are so many people it could be. The character of Sasha grows as the book goes on but not by huge leaps. I can’t wait to read the next in the series. Told in multiple POV.

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